Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
a triple post
Okay so Friday was our primary workout.
it was a 30 min fartlek of 3 on 2 off and than 4 ks. On thewarmup i was limping pretty badily, but it all smoothed out by the time of our fartlek. it was very windy today, but the fartlek realy didnt feel all too bad. We went out to redoubt and than through country and road and back on campus it was a perfect 30 min. Than we had 3 min of just jogging around and than we went straight into the ks. Gibby did nt tell us how much we had to do, but i was figuring it was goign to be based on how i looked. I actauly didnt do too bad today. i ran 2:52, 2:53, 2:52 and than a 400, in mighty mighty winds. I only did a 400 because my hip was hurting pretty bad, i wish, retrospectively speaking, that i finished it, but it was probably all for the best. Cool down and what not. Totaling to 14.5 miles
Thursday, February 25, 2010
At one time, the kakapo population may have reached hundreds of thousands or even millions, all across New Zealand. By 1995, that number had dropped to just 50. Problems first arose when the first human settlers—Māori from Polynesia—arrived around a thousand years ago. Although the Māori killed some kakapos for their food and their skins, a more serious problem was posed by the kiore, or Polynesian Rat they brought with them: it fed on both the kakapo eggs and their young. In the 1840s, an even bigger problem arose. European settlers posed a triple threat: they destroyed much of the kakapo’s habitat, hunted them for meat (and captured many more for museums and zoos), and brought still more animals that preyed on the birds. Within a few decades, the kakapo population was severely depleted and the first conservation attempts were made—though they did little good.
New Zealand’s Department of Conservation initiated a Kakapo Recovery Plan in 1989. All surviving kakapos have been relocated to two small, predator-free islands, and are monitored closely. Work is underway to encourage breeding, protect the birds’ habitat, ensure adequate food supplies, and safeguard the health of the surviving population. So far, the program has enjoyed significant success: as of 2006, the population had increased to 86. They’re still a long way from being self-sustaining, and some people fear that the gene pool is now too small to keep the species viable. But there is at least reason for optimism. Even without flight, the kakapo may yet rise again.
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this morning i woke up and was limbing all around. i could hardly walk, but i had a training room appt. so i went out and got my stim and stretched out. It had really no affect, as i was still limping all around during the day. Thankfully it loosened up a little bit after walking around a lot. I went to the market and got some aleve to reduce inflammation.
before the run i stretched for a good while and things began feeling a little better. Before the day started i didnt think i would be able to run, but i did anyways. I went 10.5 miles for the day, my hip didnt hurt as bad as yesterday, but i could still feel it a little bit. in the begining i def was limping, gibby even made a comment, but things loosened and made it more smooth.
I didnt do core with the team or my stride, because gibby thought i shouldnt becasue of my hip and i totally agreed. It allowed me to get a in a real good stretch.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Late fall, berries gone, bare limbs corkscrew in daylight. I watch him from the shell of my wing-back chair, his insistent charge toward glass. Day into day, the thump and hover, his own ticker-tape parade of one. Birds have been flying blind into these windows for years, but this-- a warning, crimson spirit,…
i saw a beautiful cardinal today it was gorgeous.
Today was my MR+, apparently we rolled, it didnt feel like it, but i guess thats good. I went to the training room this morning. I got some advice on stretching and some STIM. Did nothing, as my si joint was worse than ever today on the run. i felt it during the whole thing and half time it seemed like i was limping. I plan on stretching tonight before i go to bed and setting up a regular 4 times a day cycle.
13 miles total
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Terrible Day
Monday, February 22, 2010
New problem
New Trainer
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Third workout :(
Friday, February 19, 2010
Gotta Catch Em All
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
1.So today i had to turn in my first english paper. apparently my teacher is a big stickler on grading his papers, so im a little on edge on how well i am going to do. On top of that, i got one of my friends to edit it and printed it and while i was going to hand it in, the first thing i saw was a huge grammatical mistake. So i still turn it in and i am just wondering what i should do. So than i got to thinking, maybe i turned in my rough draft instead of my final paper? So i went to him after class and told him my predicament and he gave me a grace period to get it into his box. (I still have not turned it in, but i do not think i need it into him by tonight, due to him leaving town, but i have it printed out and ready to go if i end up not being lazy).
2. If you are a regular reader to the "The Monotony" you will already know i have been having some shin problems of late. I recently purchased a calf sleeve to help it out. I am hoping that all it is, is shin splints and this calf should be affective in helping me rid this injury. If it is indeed bone, well i ll just look like a douche running around campus with it on :).
3. I have found a new favorite place to study and do work. Although I love my Andrews Hall, it's just too crowded to many people asking to use the room or having meetings in there that it just aint working. So there's this room that is usually deserted in teh library full of computers, because its a special computer room where only "CGA users only." Well being the explorer that i am, i went through the yellow and tape and found a home. Not only do i look really cool, as people see me in the "special room" with transparent glass windows, i also get my work done.
A special feature to this room is that their is two computer screens for one server, allowing me to put different documents on different screens, making typing and gathering information a cinch.
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My run today was nothing special! But it was not bad, which is always delightful. Tomorrow will be bad, as i have a workout! Anyways i ran 10 miles with a good group of guys, hit up the new trails, conversations were at an all time high and spirits seemed lifted. i really thought today would be miserable as there was a ton of wind swirling about Williamsburg, but the trees protected myself and my companions. I owe my pleasant mood to the trees! After my tenner, i did 5 strides, felt viciously slow (oxymoron, Prof. Potkay would be proud). Than did an abbreviated set of drills (very chilly), and than did an abbreviated core routine (skipping supermans, as my back was ailing me).
I did not ice today, i meant to get some from the caf, but John rushed me out and i forgot. I cant say it was felt better today, but oh well. I am trying to keep my mind off of it, but something is telling me it's rather serious. I may take a short (hopefully) visit to the training room tomorrow or the next day.
Oh got my ambien so finally my sleep will be sufficient!
pace run
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Power of Cleaning
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Long Run
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Finally a Good Day
- Eat Breakfast- i never eat breakfast, so i am going to try and wake up a bit earlier and eat.
- Nibble all day- i used to do this all the time when i was at home. I think i am going to try this more, get some more fruits (take from the caf) and buy some trailmix bags... things will be a lot easier once i get off campus next year.
- Drink Milk- in the past i hated milk and would never drink it, but one glass wont hurt
- Relax- really just takes some things easier and not worry so much about running
- Vitamin B-12- hopefully over the weekend i can get some.
- Not eating after 6 pm.- I usually do this and most of my dinners are past 6, but stop eating meals after dinner
Monday, February 8, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Long day..
I did not have my meeting with Gibby due to a stomach flu that he was suffering from. Not that big of deal, nothing i really need to know from him that is too pressing at this time. I wish i had known a little earlier, because i would ve been able to get about 10 hours of sleep instead of just a measly 7. But thanks to my brilliant schedule i was still able to get enough to run through the day and finish strong on my workout.
I was reading a book today and i came across a great quote that kind of summarizes the ideas that we have today on scientific enhancing of people. "When science moves faster than moral understanding, as it does today, men and women struggle to articulate their unease." -Sandel... i think this encompasses the uneasyness of science and enhancing and altering humans that people experience today. People automactically say that it is unethical and immoral to predetermine others without giving them a choic and this may be so (personally i agree), but i think a large part of these feelings comes from the aspect that it is nothing we are familair with and completlely understand. So instead of fully thinking why they think it's weird or different, they just conclude that it's not moral. So when thinking that enhancement, cloning, and genetic engineering pose a threat to human digintiy (whihc i believe is correct), but you must say how they diminish humanity, instead of just stating it. People become too simple minded like that it's already a formulated idea based on the norm to just dismiss it, when in reality maybe there is some moments where this could be helpful... i dunno i am kinda rambling i know. Maybe later i ll give a follow up after i finish and acutally have time on my hands. just food for thought
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wow was i dreading this workout today, it was soo chilly as i stepped outside. it made me just really not want to do anything. So i became nervous, but for all weird reasons, primarily because i am a girl when it comes to the cold. As 3:40 rolled by and the coaching staff was of course unpunctual we just sat there and waited. Ryan showed up, barring the news that our head honcho was out for the count today, with the same sickness that ailed him previously cancelling our meeting.
Ryan brought some wierd and at the time seemed like terrible news, he told us that we were warming up to the top of "Retard" which is a hill on our course that we normally go to for intervals during cross season. We ended up doing a pace run. Gibby/ryan upped my pace run length to 35 min (i believe tieing my longest ever). They set up a make shift course around the Mental Asylum. It was about .9 miles, or exactly who knows. with a lil bit of everything, including all roads and no soft surfaces. On the warm up my it band was bothering me a little but progressively got better, but due to the pounding on the roads my shin began to act up, but not enough to make a fuss about.
My spilts were progressively better, due to my watch being burried in teh snow i had to use thomas baker's watch so i dont have my spilts but i was happy that they went down. We pretty much had a big pack of that had its breakaways, but the "peloton" eventually swallowed up the breakaway and we ended in a big group of (pence, asaro, woodward, muller, and tyson) with varying lengths in time.
I ended up getting 13.2 miles out of today, tomorrow we have to do a double and were working out on thursday.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Mondays
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Week Done
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Sorry I missed a post, Daniel and I had to entertain a recruit, plus with the massive amounts of snow it was extra difficult to get back to my dorm, as i slept at good ole Daniel's room, as John was MIA.
Saturday: It was snowing cats and dogs, out there. I think we got about 8 inches, so me being a little girl and all, i decided to go to the rec with Zach Gates. I ran 4 miles at a leisurely pace, sinc eit was my easy day. My it band was really not feeling good, probably due to neglecting the powers of ice the night before. So overall it was a terrible ordeal, but I got in a great stretch and head over to the Gates house and ice cupped my it band.
Sunday: Possibly the toughest and gruesome run i have been through. Words cannot describe the amount of discomfort and the miserableness that I was going through in my 18.5 mile run. It started off with my calves just really tight and felt that i had a vice on them, not allowing any tension to reside from my shin/calf area. Finally my muscles tightness reseeded allowing my stride to open up. But by that point my body was already exhausted, my legs were heavy and sore, my hip flexors, burned as each time my foot placed against the unstable slush allowing them to never be completely stable. By the end of the run our group was really feeling it, looking back it was quite humorous we hit a hill and everyone just seem to drop off haha. I have never felt so happy when i ended my run, just sitting in exhaustion in the locker room in a more fetal position than anything. Afterwards it was even a struggle to walk, all of us could read each others mind, about how happy we were that we were finally done haha.
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Third Coming??
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Perfect Training Partner
We even take macro economics together, he reads my blog everyday (my most advid reader, and is brutality honest telling me that my posts sucked. Altogether the perfect training partner is one that runs similar to you, runs mainly the same mileage, supportive, and is always there to push you through :). I hope everyone that runs will have that perfect training partner. This one is for you training buddy!
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Today we ran 11.5 miles w/ Max, Pat, Skeet, and Tom. We hit up new trails again today and mainly stayed on paths. It progressively got quicker. For some reason, of late, in the middle of my runs I feel shaky, like i have low blood sugar or something. It's been kinda weirding me out. I hope it does not persist. after my run, we were suppose to do strides, but i decided to put it off till saturday. I am really not looking forward to tomorrow's workout, because it s suppose to be under freezing :/. I did my stretches and iced today.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Although it has only been a week of classes (seems so much longer), I cannot complain about my classes. I really am intrigued by all of them, except for macroeconomics. I am taking a pretty sweet freshman seminar based on steroids in baseball and the constant obsession of the human race for perfection of the body. My other classes are pretty generic, such as Brit Lit 1 (where we have read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and are starting the Canterbury Tales), Greek and Roman Mythology (which is an huge amount of work, being assigned to 100+ pages every night), and Comparative Politics which is mainly just out of interest in a possible major that i may take a stab at.
With my classes comes a great class schedule (in reference to time). MWF my first class is at 11, allowing me to sleep in and to top that TR i have my first class at 12:30. I wake up whenever I feel its time and never feel very weary or tired. This semester is looking quite up (knock on wood). Tonight I went to Andrews again and brought a friend John Muller (dont worry John, next time I get to really think you will enjoy that post, promise). This time there was no interference by any rude peers, which was nice. As I right this i still have about 70 pages of reading left and may just give up on it and call it a night.
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Tuesday: I had my secondary workout of a 28 minute pace run. I didn't have very much expectations of this workout, as i still feel grossly out of shape and on that day i had not drank any water for pretty much the whole day (as well as getting pounded the day before). So i started off at a conservative pace that proved to be a wise choice. Pete Asaro and I ran mainly the whole thing together splitting 5:24, 5:23, 5:23, 5:28(very windy haha), 5:17. This happens to probably be my worst pace run workout, but i feel like i stayed in the provisions of the workout at 85%, it was weird my breathing was fairly solid, jsut my legs did not have much pop in them. I feel that if i went with the second pack that went, i could of used them and held on for a much "better" performance, but probably would have gone above the suggested effort level. Hopefully this will be a just a stepping stone to a much more successful season in track.
I got about 11.7 miles out of the run, as we ran 20 mins to the Rec Loop and than did the workout, 10 minute run back to campus, 4 hard strides (felt pretty quick there), and another 10 minutes around the campus with John.
My leg after the run felt terrible, I couldnt walk without limping and it was really swollen where the it band connects to the knee. This of course concerned me and Harry gave me some advice on some stretches and what i should probably do that night (which was to ice it). My dilemma however was that my dorm does not have an ice maker. So either i had to spend my whole night in the locker room or just not ice and allow it to remain swollen. I am really tired and frustrated with this injury, so i decided to be smart and i spent the next 4 hours icing 12 mins on and 25 mins off, which reduced the swelling and allowed me to be able to walk fairly well once it had warmed up.
Wed (Today's Run): Today was my MR+ run of 13 miles. It was a pretty pleasant run through tthe trails, whihc probably not the best for my IT band. Which felt decent, i could still feel it a little and it had some moments where it didnt feel to hot, but overall fairly good.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
'School of Wizardry on Facebook'
When i started i thought it would be some type of RPG game where you could duel others, but honestly it has no action whatsoever and is a huge turnoff for most. Basically you have energy and health and the goal of the game is to use your energy on lessons that you must complete to obtain a new level. You use your health and stamina to "duel" people, which is merely clicking on duel with some person that you think you can beat, by looking at their followers and their attack and defense. That's the basic overview of the game, there are much more aspect that make it harder, like investing your money in real estate that in the end provide you with more money (it's an investment). Basically if you do not invest, you ll become stuck in the game as you cant afford any of the items (that are needed to do lessons, they become pricier as you go on) to expend your energy on lessons. there are much more facets of the game that I will not describe, but i just thought id share my passion.
People ask me how this is at all fun, it really isnt fun, it's just like running. I do it to compete and succeed. So as they post my world rank, I do my very best to keep climbing the ladder to Wizardry greatness :). Plus, I am all about managing, like in NCAA Football (my favorite video game) unless I am online or have some friends play, I do not actually "play" the dynasty. I just simulate and just do all the management stuff, such as recruiting and setting up the best team for the best situation. So my suggestion is people should try the app haha.
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Today was my long run today and finally the end to the longest week i have ever had haha. Gibby was gracious enough to let us sleep in a bit later, im assuming because we have recruits this weekend. We traveled out to York state park and started my 16 mile journey. I ran in a pretty big group for a long run consisting of Pat, Jon, Ben, Sklo, and Adley. Pat and I usually start out together and we have a pretty regular long run route, which i like a lot.
i think we all felt pretty sluggish today, everyone looked kinda slow and flat. My it band wasnt feeling to hot, but not that bad.. as i am writing now, it has gotten worse. i could basically feel it there, but it did not hurt, so much better than yesterday but still not where i want it to be. The only plus was today was a beautiful day from mainly the miserable days of Williamsburg.
Week Mileage: 76.3 miles
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The augury dissatisfaction
Tomorrow is the NFL's Conference Championship games. I believe the New York Jets vs. Indy Colts play first most likely on cbs for the AFC Champions. Followed by the more intriguing game of the NFC, where the Minnesota Vikings go to battle with the New Orleans Saints in the Dome.
Has anyone ever noticed how cbs game, mainly AFC games are just extremely boring. Like i rather watch the seahawks play the rams, than watch the steelers play the bengals or some game that is worth note but not to the prestige of Colts vs. Pats, but even when those type of games roll in its still quite difficult for me to stay intrigued with the CBS game. It's like everyone is practically on their death bed and every thing just seems so generic and how's no extras that FOX provides. The commentators see quite dull and just matter of the fact, while the Fox announcers are energetic, joyful, and try to actually entertain and retain listeners. I do not know if this is just me or if it's the same for everyone. I am just glad I decided to be a Redskins fan (no matter how much they break my heart, but tha will be another topic in time) than a Ravens, because CBS might just put me in a coma.
But anyways back to my reason for my post, my picks. I believe the AFC representative will be the Indianapolis Colts, I was going to go with the sleeper pick with the NY Jets, but in one of my classes my teacher asked us who we thought and everyone said the Jets were going all the way? I guess everyone has jumped on their bandwagon/underdog story. so i gave some thought to it and decided i was just willing the Jets to win and logically i cannot see Manning blowing the game like the Chargers did. The jets talent is no where near the colts and they ll need more than a defense guru to stop the Indy attack... im saying the slot receivers have a huge game and Wayne burns Darrelle Revis at least once.
For the NFC, again i really want the Saints to win, Favre has disgraced and tarnished his legacy. I use to be in love with how he played, but the fact that he can't let it go and does the ultimate no no in the Bay, by signing with the Vikes i just have no respect anymore. But i am just not convinced the Saints are the real deal, like they ball out on offense, but their defense has holes and is not very staunch. They played well against the Cards, but the Cards were out of sinc from the 3rd drive till the clock read 00:00. Naturally Favre's fairytale ending will continue for another game, as i pick the Vikes to up end the Saints, in a close battle that actually is not a high flying scoring game but stuck in the 20's maybe one team hits the low low 30s. I really has mixed emotions of this game, because although I do not think the Saints are completely there, i am not totally sold on the vikes, and karma is catching up to number 4, it's only time till he blows another huge game with nonchalant and forced throws.
If the Colts lose, I will not be making a prediction, as i think they will take the crown for themselves. I do not believe if I can just come back and say who is going to win the Super Bowl if my picks for the conference championship games fell through.
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Ugh, so Saturdays are usually my easy days, where i can just enjoy a run and not worry about anything and just run. Of course the running gods would not give me a break and decided to make my it band feel the worse it has it quite sometime. It's rather depressing that it has regressed this far... I ran for 4.5 miles today, just around campus and through some trials. It was enjoyable when my it band was not hurting, after my run I stretch a good amount and iced.
Oh also today was my first day i went off my pain medication so that could be a big reason why it hurt so bad today, but im afraid if it doesn't get much better that I will be repeating the same steps, as i did earlier this season :/.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Insolence to a whole new degree
Thursday, January 21, 2010
1st post
Blog Archive
- a triple post
- Kakapoo!!
- Cardinal
- Terrible Day
- New problem
- New Trainer
- Third workout :(
- Gotta Catch Em All
- miscellaneous
- pace run
- The Power of Cleaning
- Long Run
- Double!
- Scams
- So i tried getting a lot of sleep yesterday so i c...
- Finally a Good Day
- Updating everyone on my school of wizardy rank i a...
- Thursday: Wake up in the morning feeling real shit...
- dimness
- Long day..
- The Mondays