Moving onward, so these two have been talking for some time now, but have no official term to their relationship so i will not call them out (but you know who you are). Through texting they were just chatting it up, nothing out of the ordinary, and the dude was telling her that some girl was coming onto him and that he was a little weirded out. discussing this the guy made a joke, saying eh i think i might like her and she seems more fun and easier to deal with so im ditching you and going for her. Being a dimwit she believed him and as he continued to joke with her, the whole got deeper and deeper without him even knowing anything was wrong. He eventually said good night, not thinking anything was wrong at all. The next morning the girl was being very rude and unpleasant, so naturally he called her out on it. And she replied, "Well I am just a little upset with everything that went done yesterday." The dude thought to himself, what the hell happened yesterday, thus asking the same question to her. hahaha she replied, "are you being serious?" "Yes, what happened," said he. "you told me that you liked someone else, but still wanted to be friends," said the girl. my friend instantaneously blew up and started laughing hysterically (where i hear the story). And has to do a good 5 minutes of reassuring her that he was joking and in no way was that big of an ass or had any feelings for this other girl.
the moral of the story is that guys be sure the less subject they talk to know they are kidding and girls to maybe raise their voice and speak up if they think something is abnormal or messed up.
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Morning: Woke up at 7 am to go run with John at 8:30, actually for the first time had a little breakfast (orange and banana). My it band felt rather tight and sort of worried me, as i was trying to stretch it out before my run. I went a total of 9 miles, John only had to do 5 so we did an out and back to the parkway and than i continued my run with an out and back on Richmond. It was not a very pleasant run, in fact it was miserable, but it got done at least. Once i got back i stretched and iced. My it band was still feeling a bit shaky and was tender to the touch of the outside region of my knee.
Afternoon: My leg had loosened up and actually did feel to bad, but as i finished my run and sat around it got really tight and again hurt to the touch, it's beginning to worry me a tad, even though it doenst actually hurt to run. I ran 7.5 (i accidentally ran too much miles for today :/) Kind of upsetting, but whats done is done. I got back got a good stretch did core and iced for 15 mins. I will stretch before i go to bed and hopefully things will loosen up. I am starting to really feel that i am coming down with a cold, as i had felt the symptoms the past couple of days, but not till today had it lasted the whole day, usually just in the morning.
Total mileage today: 16.5 miles
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